




The animate() function is a powerful tool for creating and controlling animations.

animate("li", { opacity: 0 })

It comes in two sizes, mini (2.5kb) and hybrid (18kb).

The mini version can animate HTML and SVG styles using native browser APIs for incredible performance.

The hybrid version can additionally animate:

  • Independent transforms (x/y/rotateZ etc)

  • More styles, like mask-image and gradients

  • CSS variables

  • SVG paths

  • Animation sequences

  • Colors/strings/numbers

  • JavaScript objects and WebGL


animate can be imported from the "motion" package:

// Hybrid
import { animate } from "motion"

// Mini
import { animate } from "motion/mini"


Both versions of animate are capable of animating HTML and SVG styles either by passing elements directly, or via CSS selectors.

// Element(s)
const box = document.getElementById("box")

animate(box, { opacity: 0 }, { duration: 0.5 })

// CSS selectors
animate("div", { opacity: 0 }, { duration: 0.5 })


The hybrid version of animate can animate every transform axis independently:

  • Translate: x, y, z

  • Scale: scale, scaleX, scaleY

  • Rotate: rotate, rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ

  • Skew: skew, skewX, skewY

  • Perspective: transformPerspective

animate("div", { rotate: 360 })

CSS variables

Hybrid animate can animate CSS variables in every browser:

animate(element, { "--rotate": "360deg" })

Mini animate can only animate registered CSS properties in modern browsers.

SVG paths

The hybrid animate function can perform line drawing animations with most SVG elements using three special properties: pathLength, pathSpacing and pathOffset.

animate("circle", { pathLength: [0, 1] })

All three are set as a progress value between 0 and 1, 1 representing the total length of the path.

Path animations are compatible with circle, ellipse, line, path, polygon, polyline and rect elements.

Single values

By passing a to and from value, the hybrid animate will output the latest values to the provided onUpdate callback.

// Numbers
animate(0, 100, {
  onUpdate: latest => console.log(latest)

// Colors
animate("#fff", "#000", {
  duration: 2
  onUpdate: latest => console.log(latest)

Motion values

By passing hybrid animate a React motion value, it'll be automatically updated with the latest values.

const x = motionValue(0)

animate(x, 200, { duration: 0.5 })


Objects can be animated much in the same way as HTML & SVG elements.

const values = {
  x: 100,
  color: "#f00"

animate(values, { x: 200, color: "#00f" })

Any object can be animated, for instance an Object3D from Three.js:

const camera = new THREE.Camera()

animate(camera.rotation, { y: 360 }, { duration: 10 })

Timeline sequences

The hybrid animate function can also accept complex animation sequences.

const sequence = []


A sequence is an array of animate definitions:

const sequence = [
  ["ul", { opacity: 1 }, { duration: 0.5 }],
  ["li", 100, { ease: "easeInOut" }]

Each definition will, by default, play one after the other.

It's possible to change when a segment will play by passing an at option, which can be either an absolute time, relative time, or label.

const sequence = [
  ["ul", { opacity: 1 }],
  ["li", { x: [-100, 0] }, { at: 1 }]

Each segment can accept all animate options (except repeatDelay and repeatType) to control the duration and other animation settings of that segment.

const sequence = [
  ["ul", { opacity: 1 }, { duration: 1 }]

Both type: "keyframes" and type: "spring" transitions are supported.

It's also possible to override transitions for each value individually.

const sequence = [
    { opacity: 1, x: 100 },
    { duration: 1, x: { duration: 2 }}

Sequence durations are automatically calculated, but it's also possible to pass any animate option to change playback as a whole:

animate(sequence, { duration: 10, repeat: 2 })

You can also define default transition settings to be passed to all items in the sequence with the defaultTransition option:

animate(sequence, {
  defaultTransition: { duration: 0.2 }

Any value supported by animate can be animated in sequences, mixing HTML & SVGs, motion values and objects in the same animation:

const color = motionValue("rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)")
const box = new THREE.BoxGeometry()

const sequence = [
  ["li", { x: 100 }],
  [box.position, { y: 10 }],
  [color, "#444"]


When animating more than one element, it's possible to stagger animations by passing the stagger function to delay.

import { stagger, animate } from "motion"

animate(".item", { x: 300 }, { delay: stagger(0.1) })


Animations can be configured with transition options. By default, provided options will affect every animating value.

  { x: 100, rotate: 0 },
  { duration: 1 }

By providing named transitions, these can be overridden on a per-value basis:

  { x: 100, rotate: 0 },
    duration: 1,
    rotate: { duration: 0.5, ease: "easeOut" }


type decides the type of animation to use.

Mini animate can either animate with the default keyframes animation, or spring:

import { animate } from "motion/mini"
import { spring } from "motion"

  { transform: "translateX(100px)" },
  { type: spring, stiffness: 300 }

Hybrid animate has all animation types built-in, and can be set to "tween", "spring" or "inertia".

Tween animations are set with a duration and an easing curve.

Spring animations are either physics-based or duration-based.

Physics-based spring animations are set via stiffness, damping and mass, and these incorporate the velocity of any existing gestures or animations for natural feedback.

Duration-based spring animations are set via a duration and bounce. These don't incorporate velocity but are easier to understand.

Inertia animations decelerate a value based on its initial velocity, usually used to implement inertial scrolling.

animate("path", { pathLength: 1 }, { duration: 2, type: "tween" })



Default: 0.3 (or 0.8 if multiple keyframes are defined)

The duration of the animation. Can also be used for "spring" animations when bounce is also set.

animate("ul > li", { opacity: 1 }, { duration: 1 })


The easing function to use with tween animations. Accepts:

  • Easing function name. E.g "linear"

  • An array of four numbers to define a cubic bezier curve. E.g [.17,.67,.83,.67]

  • A JavaScript easing function, that accepts and returns a value 0-1.

These are the available easing function names:

  • "linear"

  • "easeIn", "easeOut", "easeInOut"

  • "circIn", "circOut", "circInOut"

  • "backIn", "backOut", "backInOut"

  • "anticipate"

When animating keyframes, ease can optionally be set as an array of easing functions to set different easings between each value:

  { x: [0, 100, 0] },
  { ease: ["easeIn", "easeOut"] }


When animating multiple keyframes, times can be used to adjust the position of each keyframe throughout the animation.

Each value in times is a value between 0 and 1, representing the start and end of the animation.

  { x: [0, 100, 0] },
  { times: [0, 0.3, 1] }

There must be the same number of times as there are keyframes. Defaults to an array of evenly-spread durations.



Default: 0.25

bounce determines the "bounciness" of a spring animation.

0 is no bounce, and 1 is extremely bouncy.

Note: bounce and duration will be overridden if stiffness, damping or mass are set.

  { rotateX: 90 },
  { type: "spring", bounce: 0.25 }


If visualDuration is set, this will override duration.

The visual duration is a time, set in seconds, that the animation will take to visually appear to reach its target.

In other words, the bulk of the transition will occur before this time, and the "bouncy bit" will mostly happen after.

This makes it easier to edit a spring, as well as visually coordinate it with other time-based animations.

  { rotateX: 90 },
  { type: "spring", visualDuration: 0.5, bounce: 0.25 }


Default: 1

Stiffness of the spring. Higher values will create more sudden movement.

  { rotate: 180 },
  { type: "spring", stiffness: 50 }


Default: 10

Strength of opposing force. If set to 0, spring will oscillate indefinitely.

  { rotate: 180 },
  { type: "spring", damping: 300 }


Default: 1

Mass of the moving object. Higher values will result in more lethargic movement.

  { baseFrequency: 0.5 },
  { type: "spring", mass: 0.5 }


Default: Current value velocity

The initial velocity of the spring.

  { rotate: 180 },
  { type: "spring", velocity: 2 }


Default: 0.1

End animation if absolute speed (in units per second) drops below this value and delta is smaller than restDelta.

  { rotate: 180 },
  { type: "spring", restSpeed: 2 }


Default: 0.01

End animation if distance is below this value and speed is below restSpeed. When animation ends, the spring will end.

  { x: 200 },
  { type: "spring", restDelta: 0.5 }



Default: 0

Delay the animation by this duration (in seconds).

animate(element, { filter: "blur(10px)" }, { delay: 0.3 })

By setting delay to a negative value, the animation will start that long into the animation. For instance to start 1 second in, delay can be set to -1.


Default: 0

The number of times to repeat the transition. Set to Infinity for perpetual animation.

  { backgroundColor: "#fff" },
  { repeat: Infinity, duration: 2 }


Default: "loop"

How to repeat the animation. This can be either:

  • loop: Repeats the animation from the start.

  • reverse: Alternates between forward and backwards playback.

  • mirror: Switches animation origin and target on each iteration.

  { backgroundColor: "#fff" },
  { repeat: 1, repeatType: "reverse", duration: 2 }


Default: 0

Note: Not available in animate mini.

When repeating an animation, repeatDelay will set the duration of the time to wait, in seconds, between each repetition.

  { backgroundColor: "#fff" },
  { repeat: 1, repeatDelay: 1 }


When defining animations as part of a larger sequence, each definition will start one after the other:

const sequence = [
  ["ul", { opacity: 1 }],
  // This will start when ul opacity is 1
  ["li", { x: [-100, 0] }]

By passing at, this behaviour can be changed.

Pass a number to define a specific time:

const sequence = [
  ["nav", { opacity: 1 }],
  // This will start 0.5 from the start of the whole timeline:
  ["nav", { x: 100 }, { at: 0.5 }],

Pass a string starting with + or - to start relative to the end of the previous animation:

const sequence = [
  ["nav", { opacity: 1 }],
  // This will start 0.5 seconds after the previous animation:
  ["nav", { x: 100 }, { at: "+0.5" }],
  // This will start 0.2 seconds before the end of the previous animation:
  ["nav li", { opacity: 1 }, { at: "-0.2" }],

Pass "<" to start at the same time as the previous segment:

const sequence = [
  ["nav", { x: 100 }, { duration: 1 }],
  // This will start at the same time as the x: 100 animation
  ["li", { opacity: 1 }, { at: "<" }],

Or pass a label name to start at the same point as the original label definition:

const sequence = [
  ["nav", { x: 100 }, { duration: 1 }],
  ["li", { opacity: 1 }],
  // my-label was defined at 1 second
  ["a", { scale: 1.2 }, { at: "my-label" }],


A function that's provided the latest animation values.

Note: Currently for single value and motion value animations only.

animate("#fff", "#000", {
  duration: 2
  onUpdate: latest => console.log(latest)


animate() returns animation playback controls. These can be used to pause, play, cancel, change playback speed and more.

const animation = animate(element, { opacity: 1 })

animation.time = 0.5


Returns the duration of the animation.

This is the duration of a single iteration of the animation, without delay or repeat options. It is read-only.

const animation = animate(element, { opacity: 0 })

const duration = animation.duration


Gets and sets the current time of the animation.

const animation = animate(x, 100, { duration: 1 })

// Set animation time to 0.5 seconds
animation.time = 0.5

// Get animation time
console.log(animation.time) // 0.5


Gets and sets the current playback speed of the animation.

  • 1 is normal rate.

  • 0.5 is half rate.

  • 2 doubles the playback rate.

  • -1 reverses playback.

const animation = animate(element, { opacity: 0 })

const currentSpeed = animation.speed

// Double current speed
animation.speed = currentSpeed * 2


A Promise-like API that resolves when the animation finishes:

const animation = animate(element, { opacity: 0 })

// Async/await
await animation
console.log("Animation complete")

// Promise
animation.then(() => {
  console.log("Animation complete")

Note: When an animation finishes, a new Promise is created. If the animation is then replayed via the play() method, any old callbacks won't fire again.


Pauses the animation until resumed with play().

const animation = animate(element, { opacity: 0 })


Plays an animation.

  • If an animation is paused, it will resume from its current time.

  • If an animation has finished, it will restart.


// Will resume from 1 second
animation.time = 1

// Will play from start
await animation


Immediately completes the animation, running it to the end state.



Cancels the animation, reverting it to the initial state.

const animation = animate(element, { opacity: 0 })


Stops the animation.

Any values being animated via the Web Animations API will be committed to the element via style.

Stopped animations cannot be restarted.

const animation = animate(element, { opacity: 0 })

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Premium React components

Motion+ is a one-time fee, lifetime membership that supports Motion and grants access to the source code of an ever-growing library of examples.

You also gain access to Cursor and AnimateNumber, two exclusive new React components. Check out what they can do: