




Motion's hover function detects hover gestures, firing events when they start and end.

For legacy reasons, browsers emulate hover events from touch devices, which can lead to "stuck" UIs and other unwanted visual artefacts/broken behaviours. hover filters these fake events out.

hover(".button", (element) => {
  console.log("hover started on", element)

  return () => console.log("hover end")

hover is also:

  • Clean: Automatically manages event listeners

  • Convenient: Accepts either elements or CSS selectors for attaching multiple gestures at once

  • Lazy: Attaches only the event listeners needed

hover callbacks can do anything, but often they're used to start or control animations.

hover("li", (element) => {
  const animation = animate(element, { rotate: 360 })

  return () => animation.stop()



hover can be imported into your project via "motion":

import { hover } from "motion"

Hover start

hover can detect hover gestures on either an Element/array of elements:

  () => {
    console.log("my-id hovered!")

Or via a CSS selector:

hover("a", () => console.log("link hovered"))

When a hover gesture starts, the provided callback is provided both the element that's being hovered, and the triggering PointerEvent:

hover("div:nth-child(2)", (element, startEvent) => {
  console.log("Hover started on", element)
  console.log("At", startEvent.clientX, startEvent.clientY)

Hover end

The hover start function can optionally return a callback. This will be called when the hover gesture ends:

hover("a", () => {
  console.log("hover start")
  return (endEvent) => {
    console.log("hover end")

This callback will be provided the triggering PointerEvent.

Cancelling gesture detection

hover returns a function that, when fired, will cancel all active event handlers associated with the gesture.

const cancelHover = hover(element, callback)




Default: true

If set to false, it'll be possible to call event.preventDefault() but the gesture will be less performant. Learn more about passive events.


Default: false

If set to true, each provided element will fire their gesture only once.Motion+ examples

Motion+ examples

Motion+ is a one-time payment, lifetime membership that gains you access to the source code of an ever-growing library of premium examples, as well as premium components like Cursor and AnimateNumber and functions like splitText.

Examples featuring hover include:

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Premium React components

Motion+ is a one-time fee, lifetime membership that supports Motion and grants access to the source code of an ever-growing library of examples.

You also gain access to Cursor and AnimateNumber, two exclusive new React components. Check out what they can do: