


Quick start

Quick start

Motion is an animation library that's easy to start and fun to master.

Its unique hybrid engine combines the performance of the browser with the limitless potential of a JavaScript engine. This means you can animate anything, like:


  • SVG (like path drawing animations)

  • WebGL (3D graphics)

The best part? It's also tiny, with a mini HTML/SVG version of the animate() function that's just 2.5kb!

By the end of this quick guide, you'll have installed Motion and made your first animation.


You can install Motion in two ways:

  1. A package manager like npm or Yarn (most popular)

  2. HTML script tag

Package manager

Motion can be installed via the "motion" package.

npm install motion

Then imported in your JavaScript:

import { animate, scroll } from "motion"

script tag

It's possible to import Motion directly using a script tag. This is perfect if you're working with a basic HTML page, or using a no-code tool like Webflow.

Import using the modern import syntax:

<script type="module">
  import { animate, scroll } from ""

Or you can add Motion as a global variable using the legacy include:

<script src=""></script>
  const { animate, scroll } = Motion

Note: It's best practise to replace "latest" in these URLs with a specific version, like 11.11.13. You can find the latest version at JSDelivr.

Create an animation

The "Hello world!" of any animation library is a simple transform animation.

Let's start by importing the animate function.

import { animate } from "motion"

animate can animate one or more elements. You can either use a CSS selector (like ".my-class") or provide the elements directly:

// CSS selector
animate(".box", { rotate: 360 }))

// Elements
const boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".box")

animate(boxes, { rotate: 360 })

You can see here we're setting rotate to 360. This will rotate the element 360 degrees:

What can be animated?

Motion lets you animate anything:

  • CSS properties (like opacity, transform and filter)

  • SVG attributes and paths

  • Independent transforms (x, rotateY etc)

  • JavaScript objects (containing strings/colors/numbers)

With Motion, you don't have to worry about achieving the best performance available. When a value can be hardware accelerated, like opacity, filter or transform, it will be.

animate isn't limited to HTML. It can animate single values or any kind of object. For example, the rotation of a Three.js object:

  { y: rad(360), z: rad(360) },
  { duration: 10, repeat: Infinity, ease: "linear" }

Customising animations

Motion comes with smart defaults, so your animations should look and feel great out of the box. But you can further tweak options like:

  • Duration (how long the animation lasts)

  • Delay (how long it waits before starting)

  • Easing (how it speeds up and slows down)

  • Repeat (how it repeats, how many times, etc)

  { scale: [0.4, 1] },
  { ease: "circInOut", duration: 1.2 }

Motion also has amazing spring animations for natural, kinetic animations:

  { rotate: 90 },
  { type: "spring", stiffness: 300 }

Stagger animations

When animating multiple elements, it can feel more natural or lively to offset the animations of each. This is called staggering.

Motion provides a stagger function that can be used to dynamically set delay:

import { animate, stagger } from "motion"

  { y: 0, opacity: 1 },
  { delay: stagger(0.1) }

What's next?

You've just learned the basics of Motion and created a simple animation. But there's so much more to discover, like:

Or you can dive straight into our examples, which are clear, simple, and feature source code that can be easily copy/pasted, or opened straight into the v0 AI code editor.

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Premium React components

Motion+ is a one-time fee, lifetime membership that supports Motion and grants access to the source code of an ever-growing library of examples.

You also gain access to Cursor and AnimateNumber, two exclusive new React components. Check out what they can do: