




Motion+ Early Access

Motion+ Early Access

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Unlocks for everyone in

47 Days 03 Hours 02 Minutes


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Checking Motion+ status…

Unlocks for everyone in

47 Days 03 Hours 02 Minutes


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Checking Motion+ status…

Unlocks for everyone in

47 Days 03 Hours 02 Minutes


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Motion's press function detects press gestures, firing events when they start, end or cancel.

It's different to events like "pointerstart" etc in that press automatically filters out secondary pointer events, like a right click or a second touch point.

And it expands on "click" by being amazing for accessibility. Every element with a press gesture automatically becomes keyboard accessible via focus and the enter key.

press("button", (event) => {
  console.log("press started on", event.currentTarget)

  return () => console.log("press ended")

press is also:

  • Clean: Automatically manages event listeners

  • Simple: Accepts Elements or CSS selectors for attaching multiple listeners

  • Lazy: Attaches only the listeners needed

It can be used to start and stop animations:

press("button", ({ currentTarget }) => {
  animate(currentTarget, { scale: 0.9 })

  return () => animate(currentTarget, { scale: 1 })

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