



motion components with a layout prop will detect and animate layout changes every time they commit a Vue re-render, or their layoutDependency prop changes.

LayoutGroup is used to group components that might not render together but do affect each-other's state.


Take these accordion items that each handle their own state:

<script setup>
  const isOpen = ref(false)
      <motion.h2 layout>{{header}}</motion.h2>
      {{isOpen ? content : null}}

If we arrange these next to each other in an Accordion, when their state updates, their siblings have no way of knowing:

<!-- Accordion -->
  <ToggleContent />
  <ToggleContent />

This can be fixed by grouping both components with LayoutGroup:

<!-- Accordion -->
    <ToggleContent />
    <ToggleContent />

Namespace layoutId

Components expecting to perform shared layout animations are provided a layoutId prop.

In this following example, each Tab renders an element with the layoutId="underline" prop.

<!-- Tab -->
      <motion.div v-if="isSelected" layoutId="underline" />

<!-- TabRow -->
  <Tab v-for="item in items" :key="" v-bind="item"/>

layoutId is global across your site. So to render multiple TabRows we want to group them with LayoutGroup and id prop:

<!-- TabRow -->
  <LayoutGroup :id="id">
    <Tab v-for="item in items" :key="" v-bind="item"/>

motion components with a layout prop will detect and animate layout changes every time they commit a Vue re-render, or their layoutDependency prop changes.

LayoutGroup is used to group components that might not render together but do affect each-other's state.


Take these accordion items that each handle their own state:

<script setup>
  const isOpen = ref(false)
      <motion.h2 layout>{{header}}</motion.h2>
      {{isOpen ? content : null}}

If we arrange these next to each other in an Accordion, when their state updates, their siblings have no way of knowing:

<!-- Accordion -->
  <ToggleContent />
  <ToggleContent />

This can be fixed by grouping both components with LayoutGroup:

<!-- Accordion -->
    <ToggleContent />
    <ToggleContent />

Namespace layoutId

Components expecting to perform shared layout animations are provided a layoutId prop.

In this following example, each Tab renders an element with the layoutId="underline" prop.

<!-- Tab -->
      <motion.div v-if="isSelected" layoutId="underline" />

<!-- TabRow -->
  <Tab v-for="item in items" :key="" v-bind="item"/>

layoutId is global across your site. So to render multiple TabRows we want to group them with LayoutGroup and id prop:

<!-- TabRow -->
  <LayoutGroup :id="id">
    <Tab v-for="item in items" :key="" v-bind="item"/>

motion components with a layout prop will detect and animate layout changes every time they commit a Vue re-render, or their layoutDependency prop changes.

LayoutGroup is used to group components that might not render together but do affect each-other's state.


Take these accordion items that each handle their own state:

<script setup>
  const isOpen = ref(false)
      <motion.h2 layout>{{header}}</motion.h2>
      {{isOpen ? content : null}}

If we arrange these next to each other in an Accordion, when their state updates, their siblings have no way of knowing:

<!-- Accordion -->
  <ToggleContent />
  <ToggleContent />

This can be fixed by grouping both components with LayoutGroup:

<!-- Accordion -->
    <ToggleContent />
    <ToggleContent />

Namespace layoutId

Components expecting to perform shared layout animations are provided a layoutId prop.

In this following example, each Tab renders an element with the layoutId="underline" prop.

<!-- Tab -->
      <motion.div v-if="isSelected" layoutId="underline" />

<!-- TabRow -->
  <Tab v-for="item in items" :key="" v-bind="item"/>

layoutId is global across your site. So to render multiple TabRows we want to group them with LayoutGroup and id prop:

<!-- TabRow -->
  <LayoutGroup :id="id">
    <Tab v-for="item in items" :key="" v-bind="item"/>

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