


Integrate Motion with Radix

Radix-Vue is one of the most popular component libraries for Vue, and it takes just a couple steps to use Motion for Vue for animations.

In this guide, we'll learn how to use motion components with Radix primitives, as well as specific setups for exit and layout animations.

Setup motion components

Most Radix components render and control their own DOM elements. But they also provide the asChild prop that, when set to true, will make the component use the first provided child as its DOM node instead.

By passing a motion component as this child, we can now use all of its animation props as normal:

  <ToastRoot :as-child="true">
      :initial="{ opacity: 0 }"
      :animate="{ opacity: 1 }"

Exit animations

Many Radix components, like Toast or Tooltip, would be perfect for exit animations, but can't perform them without Motion's AnimatePresence.

AnimatePresence is built on top of Vue's Transition component,This is how it tracks which components are exiting:

      :exit="{ opacity: 0 }"

Using exit animations with Motion Vue and Radix components is straightforward. Just wrap your unmounting component with AnimatePresence, and it can detect the direct child DOM unmounting and trigger exit animations.

For example, works with the Tooltip component:

          <Tooltip.Trigger class="tooltip-trigger">
              Hover or focus
              <Tooltip.Content as-child :side-offset="10">
                  :initial="{ opacity: 0, y: 20, scale: 0.8 }"
                  :animate="{ opacity: 1, y: 0, scale: 1 }"
                  :exit="{ opacity: 0,y: 20,}"
                  Add to library
                  <Tooltip.Arrow class="tooltip-arrow" />

Layout animations

Layout animations also require this same pattern of hoisting state out of the component.

<script setup>
const tab = ref('account')

    <motion.div layout>

This is to ensure motion components know to perform layout animations when the state changes. You can even pass this state to layoutDependency for better performance.

<motion.div layout :layoutDependency="tab">

Motion+ examples

Motion+ is a one-time payment, lifetime membership that gains you access to the source code of an ever-growing library of premium examples, as well as premium components like Cursor and AnimateNumber.

Motion+ features examples for most Radix components:

Radix-Vue is one of the most popular component libraries for Vue, and it takes just a couple steps to use Motion for Vue for animations.

In this guide, we'll learn how to use motion components with Radix primitives, as well as specific setups for exit and layout animations.

Setup motion components

Most Radix components render and control their own DOM elements. But they also provide the asChild prop that, when set to true, will make the component use the first provided child as its DOM node instead.

By passing a motion component as this child, we can now use all of its animation props as normal:

  <ToastRoot :as-child="true">
      :initial="{ opacity: 0 }"
      :animate="{ opacity: 1 }"

Exit animations

Many Radix components, like Toast or Tooltip, would be perfect for exit animations, but can't perform them without Motion's AnimatePresence.

AnimatePresence is built on top of Vue's Transition component,This is how it tracks which components are exiting:

      :exit="{ opacity: 0 }"

Using exit animations with Motion Vue and Radix components is straightforward. Just wrap your unmounting component with AnimatePresence, and it can detect the direct child DOM unmounting and trigger exit animations.

For example, works with the Tooltip component:

          <Tooltip.Trigger class="tooltip-trigger">
              Hover or focus
              <Tooltip.Content as-child :side-offset="10">
                  :initial="{ opacity: 0, y: 20, scale: 0.8 }"
                  :animate="{ opacity: 1, y: 0, scale: 1 }"
                  :exit="{ opacity: 0,y: 20,}"
                  Add to library
                  <Tooltip.Arrow class="tooltip-arrow" />

Layout animations

Layout animations also require this same pattern of hoisting state out of the component.

<script setup>
const tab = ref('account')

    <motion.div layout>

This is to ensure motion components know to perform layout animations when the state changes. You can even pass this state to layoutDependency for better performance.

<motion.div layout :layoutDependency="tab">

Motion+ examples

Motion+ is a one-time payment, lifetime membership that gains you access to the source code of an ever-growing library of premium examples, as well as premium components like Cursor and AnimateNumber.

Motion+ features examples for most Radix components:

Radix-Vue is one of the most popular component libraries for Vue, and it takes just a couple steps to use Motion for Vue for animations.

In this guide, we'll learn how to use motion components with Radix primitives, as well as specific setups for exit and layout animations.

Setup motion components

Most Radix components render and control their own DOM elements. But they also provide the asChild prop that, when set to true, will make the component use the first provided child as its DOM node instead.

By passing a motion component as this child, we can now use all of its animation props as normal:

  <ToastRoot :as-child="true">
      :initial="{ opacity: 0 }"
      :animate="{ opacity: 1 }"

Exit animations

Many Radix components, like Toast or Tooltip, would be perfect for exit animations, but can't perform them without Motion's AnimatePresence.

AnimatePresence is built on top of Vue's Transition component,This is how it tracks which components are exiting:

      :exit="{ opacity: 0 }"

Using exit animations with Motion Vue and Radix components is straightforward. Just wrap your unmounting component with AnimatePresence, and it can detect the direct child DOM unmounting and trigger exit animations.

For example, works with the Tooltip component:

          <Tooltip.Trigger class="tooltip-trigger">
              Hover or focus
              <Tooltip.Content as-child :side-offset="10">
                  :initial="{ opacity: 0, y: 20, scale: 0.8 }"
                  :animate="{ opacity: 1, y: 0, scale: 1 }"
                  :exit="{ opacity: 0,y: 20,}"
                  Add to library
                  <Tooltip.Arrow class="tooltip-arrow" />

Layout animations

Layout animations also require this same pattern of hoisting state out of the component.

<script setup>
const tab = ref('account')

    <motion.div layout>

This is to ensure motion components know to perform layout animations when the state changes. You can even pass this state to layoutDependency for better performance.

<motion.div layout :layoutDependency="tab">

Motion+ examples

Motion+ is a one-time payment, lifetime membership that gains you access to the source code of an ever-growing library of premium examples, as well as premium components like Cursor and AnimateNumber.

Motion+ features examples for most Radix components:

Motion is made possible thanks to our amazing sponsors.

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