



The motion component drives most animations in Motion for React.

There's a motion component for every HTML and SVG element, for instance motion.div, etc. Think of it as a normal React component, supercharged for 120fps animation and gestures.


Import motion from Motion:

// React
import { motion } from "motion/react"

// React Server Components
import * as motion from "motion/react-client"

Now you can use it exactly as you would any normal HTML/SVG component:

<motion.div className="box" />

But you also gain access to powerful animation APIs like the animate, layout, whileInView props and much more.

  // Animate when this value changes:
  animate={{ scale: 2 }}
  // Fade in when the element enters the viewport:
  whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }}
  // Animate the component when its layout changes:
  // Style now supports indepedent transforms:
  style={{ x: 100 }}

Checkout the Animation guide for a full overview on animations in Motion for React.


motion components animate values outside the React render cycle for improved performance.

Using motion values instead of React state to update style will also avoid re-renders.

const x = useMotionValue(0)

useEffect(() => {
  // Won't trigger a re-render!
  const timeout = setTimeout(() => x.set(100), 1000)

  return () => clearTimeout(timeout)
}, [])

return <motion.div style={{ x }} />

Server-side rendering

motion components are fully compatible with server-side rendering, meaning the initial state of the component will be reflected in the server-generated output.

// Server will output `translateX(100px)`
<motion.div initial={false} animate={{ x: 100 }} />

This is with the exception of some SVG attributes like transform which require DOM measurements to calculate.

Custom components

Any React component can be supercharged into a motion component by passing it to motion.create() as a function.

const MotionComponent = motion.create(Component)

React 18 users must use forwardRef to wrap their components and pass ref to the element they want to animate:

const Component = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
  return <div ref={ref} />

React 19 users can pass a normal component, and ref will be passed in via props:

const Component = (props) => {
  return <div ref={props.ref} />

Important: Make sure not to call motion.create() within another React render function! This will make a new component every render, breaking your animations.

It's also possible to pass strings to motion.create, which will create custom DOM elements.

// Will render <custom-element /> into HTML
const MotionComponent = motion.create('custom-element')

By default, all motion props (like animate etc) are filtered out of the props forwarded to the provided component. By providing a forwardMotionProps config, the provided component will receive these props.

motion.create(Component, { forwardMotionProps: true })


motion components accept the following props.



The initial visual state of the motion component.

This can be set as an animation target:

<motion.section initial={{ opacity: 0, x: 0 }} />


< initial="visible" />
<motion.div initial={["visible", "active"]} />

Or set as false to disable the enter animation and initially render as the values found in animate.

<motion.div initial={false} animate={{ opacity: 0 }} />


A target to animate to on enter, and on update.

Can be set as an animation target:

  initial={{ boxShadow: "0px 0px #000" }}
  animate={{ boxShadow: "10px 10px #000" }}

Or variants:

< animate="visible" />
<motion.div initial="hidden" animate={["visible", "active"]} />


A target to animate to when a component is removed from the tree. Can be set either as an animation target, or variant.

Note: Owing to React limitations, the component being removed must be a direct child of AnimatePresence to enable this animation.

  {isVisible && (
    <ul key="list">
      < exit={{ opacity: 0 }} />


The default transition for this component to use when an animation prop (animate, whileHover etc) has no transition defined.

<motion.div transition={{ type: "spring" }} animate={{ scale: 1.2 }} />


The variants for this component.

const variants = {
  active: {
      backgroundColor: "#f00"
  inactive: {
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    transition: { duration: 2 }

return (
    animate={isActive ? "active" : "inactive"}


The normal React DOM style prop, with added support for motion values and independent transforms.

const x = useMotionValue(30)

return <motion.div style={{ x, rotate: 90, originX: 0.5 }} />


Callback triggered every frame any value on the motion component updates. It's provided a single argument with the latest values.

  animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
  onUpdate={latest => console.log(latest.opacity)}


Callback triggered when any animation (except layout animations, see onLayoutAnimationStart) starts.

It's provided a single argument, with the target or variant name of the started animation.

  animate={{ r: 10 }}
  onAnimationStart={latest => console.log(latest.r)}


Callback triggered when any animation (except layout animations, see onLayoutAnimationComplete) completes.

It's provided a single argument, with the target or variant name of the completed animation.

  animate={{ r: 10 }}
  onAnimationComplete={latest => console.log(latest.r)}



Target or variants to label to while the hover gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileHover={{ scale: 1.2 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileHover="hovered" />


Callback function that fires when a pointer starts hovering over the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onHoverStart={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops hovering over the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onHoverEnd={(event) => console.log(event)} />



Target or variants to label to while the tap gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileTap="tapped" />


Callback function that fires when a pointer starts pressing the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTapStart={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops pressing the component and the pointer was released inside the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTap={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops pressing the component and the pointer was released outside the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTapCancel={(event) => console.log(event)} />



Target or variants to label to while the focus gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileFocus={{ outline: "dashed #000" }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileFocus="focused" />



Callback function that fires when the pan gesture is recognised on this element.

Note: For pan gestures to work correctly with touch input, the element needs touch scrolling to be disabled on either x/y or both axis with the touch-action CSS rule.

function onPan(event, info) {
  console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)

<motion.div onPan={onPan} />

Pan and drag events are provided the origin PointerEvent as well as an object info that contains x and y point values for the following:

  • point: Relative to the device or page.

  • delta: Distance since the last event.

  • offset: Distance from the original event.

  • velocity: Current velocity of the pointer.


Callback function that fires when a pan gesture starts. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div onPanStart={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires when a pan gesture ends. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div onPanEnd={(event, info) => console.log(} />



Default: false

Enable dragging for this element. Set true to drag in both directions. Set "x" or "y" to only drag in a specific direction.

<motion.div drag />


Target or variants to label to while the drag gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.div drag whileDrag={{ scale: 0.9 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div drag whileDrag="dragging" />


Applies constraints on the draggable area.

Set as an object of optional top, left, right, and bottom values, measured in pixels:

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}

Or as a ref to another element to use its bounding box as the draggable constraints:

const MyComponent = () => {
  const constraintsRef = useRef(null)

  return (
     <motion.div ref={constraintsRef}>
         <motion.div drag dragConstraints={constraintsRef} />


Default: false

If true, the draggable element will animate back to its center/origin when released.

<motion.div drag dragSnapToOrigin />


Default: 0.5

The degree of movement allowed outside constraints. 0 = no movement, 1 = full movement.

Set to 0.5 by default. Can also be set as false to disable movement.

By passing an object of top/right/bottom/left, individual values can be set per constraint. Any missing values will be set to 0.

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}


Default: true

Apply momentum from the pan gesture to the component when dragging finishes. Set to true by default.

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}


Allows you to change dragging momentum transition. When releasing a draggable element, an animation with type "inertia" starts. The animation is based on your dragging velocity. This property allows you to customize it.

  dragTransition={{ bounceStiffness: 600, bounceDamping: 10 }}


Default: false

Locks drag direction into the soonest detected direction. For example, if the component is moved more on the x axis than y axis before the drag gesture kicks in, it will only drag on the x axis for the remainder of the gesture.

<motion.div drag dragDirectionLock />


Default: false

Allows drag gesture propagation to child components.

<motion.div drag="x" dragPropagation />


Usually, dragging is initiated by pressing down on a component and moving it. For some use-cases, for instance clicking at an arbitrary point on a video scrubber, we might want to initiate dragging from a different component than the draggable one.

By creating a dragControls using the useDragControls hook, we can pass this into the draggable component's dragControls prop. It exposes a start method that can start dragging from pointer events on other components.

const dragControls = useDragControls()

function startDrag(event) {
  dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })

return (
    <div onPointerDown={startDrag} />
    <motion.div drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />

Note: Given that by setting dragControls you are taking control of initiating the drag gesture, it is possible to disable the draggable element as the initiator by setting dragListener={false}.


Determines whether to trigger the drag gesture from event listeners. If passing dragControls, setting this to false will ensure dragging can only be initiated by the controls, rather than a pointerdown event on the draggable element.


Callback function that fires when the drag gesture is recognised on this element.

function onDrag(event, info) {
  console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)

<motion.div drag onDrag={onDrag} />

Pan and drag events are provided the origin PointerEvent as well as an object info that contains x and y point values for the following:

  • point: Relative to the device or page.

  • delta: Distance since the last event.

  • offset: Distance from the original event.

  • velocity: Current velocity of the pointer.


Callback function that fires when a drag gesture starts. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div drag onDragStart={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires when a drag gesture ends. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div drag onDragEnd={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires a drag direction is determined.

  onDirectionLock={axis => console.log(axis)}



Target or variants to label to while the element is in view.

// As target
<motion.div whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileInView="visible" />


Options to define how the element is tracked within the viewport.

  whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }}
  viewport={{ once: true }}

Available options:

  • once: If true, once element enters the viewport it won't detect subsequent leave/enter events.

  • root: The ref of an ancestor scrollable element to detect intersections with (instead of window).

  • margin: A margin to add to the viewport to change the detection area. Defaults to "0px". Use multiple values to adjust top/right/bottom/left, e.g. "0px -20px 0px 100px".

  • amount: The amount of an element that should enter the viewport to be considered "entered". Either "some", "all" or a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to "some".


Callback function that fires when an element enters the viewport. Provided the IntersectionObserverEntry with details of the intersection event.

<motion.div onViewportEnter={(entry) => console.log(entry.isIntersecting)} />


Callback function that fires when an element enters the viewport. Provided the IntersectionObserverEntry with details of the intersection event.

<motion.div onViewportLeave={(entry) => console.log(entry.intersectionRect)} />



Default: false

If true, this component will animate changes to its layout.

<motion.div layout />

If set to "position" or "size", only its position or size will animate, respectively.

<motion.img layout="position" />


If set, this component will animate changes to its layout. Additionally, when a new element enters the DOM and an element already exists with a matching layoutId, it will animate out from the previous element's size/position.

{ => (
   < layout>
      {item.isSelected && <motion.div layoutId="underline" />}

If the previous component remains in the tree, the two elements will crossfade.


By default, layout changes are detected every render. To reduce measurements and thus improve performance, you can pass a layoutDependency prop. Measurements will only occur when this value changes.

<motion.nav layout layoutDependency={isOpen} />


For layout animations to work correctly within scrollable elements, their scroll offset needs measuring. For performance reasons, Framer Motion doesn't measure the scroll offset of every ancestor. Add the layoutScroll prop to elements that should be measured.

<motion.div layoutScroll style={{ overflow: "scroll" }}>
  <motion.div layout />


For layout animations to work correctly within position: fixed elements, we need to account for page scroll. Add layoutRoot to mark an element as position: fixed.

<motion.div layoutRoot style={{ position: "fixed" }}>
  <motion.div layout />


A callback to run when a layout animation starts.


A callback to run when a layout animation completes.



Set to false to prevent a component inheriting or propagating changes in a parent variant.


Custom data to pass through to dynamic variants.

const variants = {
  visible: (custom) => ({
    opacity: 1,
    transition: { delay: custom * 0.2 }

return (
  <motion.ul animate="visible">
    < custom={0} variants={variants} />
    < custom={1} variants={variants} />
    < custom={2} variants={variants} />


By default, transforms are applied in order of translate, scale, rotate and skew.

To change this, transformTemplate can be set as a function that accepts the latest transforms and the generated transform string and returns a new transform string.

// Use the latest transform values
  style={{ x: 0, rotate: 180 }}
    ({ x, rotate }) => `rotate(${rotate}deg) translateX(${x}px)`
// Or the generated transform string
  style={{ x: 0, rotate: 180 }}
    (latest, generated) => `translate(-50%, -50%) ${generated}`

The motion component drives most animations in Motion for React.

There's a motion component for every HTML and SVG element, for instance motion.div, etc. Think of it as a normal React component, supercharged for 120fps animation and gestures.


Import motion from Motion:

// React
import { motion } from "motion/react"

// React Server Components
import * as motion from "motion/react-client"

Now you can use it exactly as you would any normal HTML/SVG component:

<motion.div className="box" />

But you also gain access to powerful animation APIs like the animate, layout, whileInView props and much more.

  // Animate when this value changes:
  animate={{ scale: 2 }}
  // Fade in when the element enters the viewport:
  whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }}
  // Animate the component when its layout changes:
  // Style now supports indepedent transforms:
  style={{ x: 100 }}

Checkout the Animation guide for a full overview on animations in Motion for React.


motion components animate values outside the React render cycle for improved performance.

Using motion values instead of React state to update style will also avoid re-renders.

const x = useMotionValue(0)

useEffect(() => {
  // Won't trigger a re-render!
  const timeout = setTimeout(() => x.set(100), 1000)

  return () => clearTimeout(timeout)
}, [])

return <motion.div style={{ x }} />

Server-side rendering

motion components are fully compatible with server-side rendering, meaning the initial state of the component will be reflected in the server-generated output.

// Server will output `translateX(100px)`
<motion.div initial={false} animate={{ x: 100 }} />

This is with the exception of some SVG attributes like transform which require DOM measurements to calculate.

Custom components

Any React component can be supercharged into a motion component by passing it to motion.create() as a function.

const MotionComponent = motion.create(Component)

React 18 users must use forwardRef to wrap their components and pass ref to the element they want to animate:

const Component = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
  return <div ref={ref} />

React 19 users can pass a normal component, and ref will be passed in via props:

const Component = (props) => {
  return <div ref={props.ref} />

Important: Make sure not to call motion.create() within another React render function! This will make a new component every render, breaking your animations.

It's also possible to pass strings to motion.create, which will create custom DOM elements.

// Will render <custom-element /> into HTML
const MotionComponent = motion.create('custom-element')

By default, all motion props (like animate etc) are filtered out of the props forwarded to the provided component. By providing a forwardMotionProps config, the provided component will receive these props.

motion.create(Component, { forwardMotionProps: true })


motion components accept the following props.



The initial visual state of the motion component.

This can be set as an animation target:

<motion.section initial={{ opacity: 0, x: 0 }} />


< initial="visible" />
<motion.div initial={["visible", "active"]} />

Or set as false to disable the enter animation and initially render as the values found in animate.

<motion.div initial={false} animate={{ opacity: 0 }} />


A target to animate to on enter, and on update.

Can be set as an animation target:

  initial={{ boxShadow: "0px 0px #000" }}
  animate={{ boxShadow: "10px 10px #000" }}

Or variants:

< animate="visible" />
<motion.div initial="hidden" animate={["visible", "active"]} />


A target to animate to when a component is removed from the tree. Can be set either as an animation target, or variant.

Note: Owing to React limitations, the component being removed must be a direct child of AnimatePresence to enable this animation.

  {isVisible && (
    <ul key="list">
      < exit={{ opacity: 0 }} />


The default transition for this component to use when an animation prop (animate, whileHover etc) has no transition defined.

<motion.div transition={{ type: "spring" }} animate={{ scale: 1.2 }} />


The variants for this component.

const variants = {
  active: {
      backgroundColor: "#f00"
  inactive: {
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    transition: { duration: 2 }

return (
    animate={isActive ? "active" : "inactive"}


The normal React DOM style prop, with added support for motion values and independent transforms.

const x = useMotionValue(30)

return <motion.div style={{ x, rotate: 90, originX: 0.5 }} />


Callback triggered every frame any value on the motion component updates. It's provided a single argument with the latest values.

  animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
  onUpdate={latest => console.log(latest.opacity)}


Callback triggered when any animation (except layout animations, see onLayoutAnimationStart) starts.

It's provided a single argument, with the target or variant name of the started animation.

  animate={{ r: 10 }}
  onAnimationStart={latest => console.log(latest.r)}


Callback triggered when any animation (except layout animations, see onLayoutAnimationComplete) completes.

It's provided a single argument, with the target or variant name of the completed animation.

  animate={{ r: 10 }}
  onAnimationComplete={latest => console.log(latest.r)}



Target or variants to label to while the hover gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileHover={{ scale: 1.2 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileHover="hovered" />


Callback function that fires when a pointer starts hovering over the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onHoverStart={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops hovering over the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onHoverEnd={(event) => console.log(event)} />



Target or variants to label to while the tap gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileTap="tapped" />


Callback function that fires when a pointer starts pressing the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTapStart={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops pressing the component and the pointer was released inside the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTap={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops pressing the component and the pointer was released outside the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTapCancel={(event) => console.log(event)} />



Target or variants to label to while the focus gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileFocus={{ outline: "dashed #000" }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileFocus="focused" />



Callback function that fires when the pan gesture is recognised on this element.

Note: For pan gestures to work correctly with touch input, the element needs touch scrolling to be disabled on either x/y or both axis with the touch-action CSS rule.

function onPan(event, info) {
  console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)

<motion.div onPan={onPan} />

Pan and drag events are provided the origin PointerEvent as well as an object info that contains x and y point values for the following:

  • point: Relative to the device or page.

  • delta: Distance since the last event.

  • offset: Distance from the original event.

  • velocity: Current velocity of the pointer.


Callback function that fires when a pan gesture starts. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div onPanStart={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires when a pan gesture ends. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div onPanEnd={(event, info) => console.log(} />



Default: false

Enable dragging for this element. Set true to drag in both directions. Set "x" or "y" to only drag in a specific direction.

<motion.div drag />


Target or variants to label to while the drag gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.div drag whileDrag={{ scale: 0.9 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div drag whileDrag="dragging" />


Applies constraints on the draggable area.

Set as an object of optional top, left, right, and bottom values, measured in pixels:

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}

Or as a ref to another element to use its bounding box as the draggable constraints:

const MyComponent = () => {
  const constraintsRef = useRef(null)

  return (
     <motion.div ref={constraintsRef}>
         <motion.div drag dragConstraints={constraintsRef} />


Default: false

If true, the draggable element will animate back to its center/origin when released.

<motion.div drag dragSnapToOrigin />


Default: 0.5

The degree of movement allowed outside constraints. 0 = no movement, 1 = full movement.

Set to 0.5 by default. Can also be set as false to disable movement.

By passing an object of top/right/bottom/left, individual values can be set per constraint. Any missing values will be set to 0.

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}


Default: true

Apply momentum from the pan gesture to the component when dragging finishes. Set to true by default.

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}


Allows you to change dragging momentum transition. When releasing a draggable element, an animation with type "inertia" starts. The animation is based on your dragging velocity. This property allows you to customize it.

  dragTransition={{ bounceStiffness: 600, bounceDamping: 10 }}


Default: false

Locks drag direction into the soonest detected direction. For example, if the component is moved more on the x axis than y axis before the drag gesture kicks in, it will only drag on the x axis for the remainder of the gesture.

<motion.div drag dragDirectionLock />


Default: false

Allows drag gesture propagation to child components.

<motion.div drag="x" dragPropagation />


Usually, dragging is initiated by pressing down on a component and moving it. For some use-cases, for instance clicking at an arbitrary point on a video scrubber, we might want to initiate dragging from a different component than the draggable one.

By creating a dragControls using the useDragControls hook, we can pass this into the draggable component's dragControls prop. It exposes a start method that can start dragging from pointer events on other components.

const dragControls = useDragControls()

function startDrag(event) {
  dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })

return (
    <div onPointerDown={startDrag} />
    <motion.div drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />

Note: Given that by setting dragControls you are taking control of initiating the drag gesture, it is possible to disable the draggable element as the initiator by setting dragListener={false}.


Determines whether to trigger the drag gesture from event listeners. If passing dragControls, setting this to false will ensure dragging can only be initiated by the controls, rather than a pointerdown event on the draggable element.


Callback function that fires when the drag gesture is recognised on this element.

function onDrag(event, info) {
  console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)

<motion.div drag onDrag={onDrag} />

Pan and drag events are provided the origin PointerEvent as well as an object info that contains x and y point values for the following:

  • point: Relative to the device or page.

  • delta: Distance since the last event.

  • offset: Distance from the original event.

  • velocity: Current velocity of the pointer.


Callback function that fires when a drag gesture starts. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div drag onDragStart={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires when a drag gesture ends. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div drag onDragEnd={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires a drag direction is determined.

  onDirectionLock={axis => console.log(axis)}



Target or variants to label to while the element is in view.

// As target
<motion.div whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileInView="visible" />


Options to define how the element is tracked within the viewport.

  whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }}
  viewport={{ once: true }}

Available options:

  • once: If true, once element enters the viewport it won't detect subsequent leave/enter events.

  • root: The ref of an ancestor scrollable element to detect intersections with (instead of window).

  • margin: A margin to add to the viewport to change the detection area. Defaults to "0px". Use multiple values to adjust top/right/bottom/left, e.g. "0px -20px 0px 100px".

  • amount: The amount of an element that should enter the viewport to be considered "entered". Either "some", "all" or a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to "some".


Callback function that fires when an element enters the viewport. Provided the IntersectionObserverEntry with details of the intersection event.

<motion.div onViewportEnter={(entry) => console.log(entry.isIntersecting)} />


Callback function that fires when an element enters the viewport. Provided the IntersectionObserverEntry with details of the intersection event.

<motion.div onViewportLeave={(entry) => console.log(entry.intersectionRect)} />



Default: false

If true, this component will animate changes to its layout.

<motion.div layout />

If set to "position" or "size", only its position or size will animate, respectively.

<motion.img layout="position" />


If set, this component will animate changes to its layout. Additionally, when a new element enters the DOM and an element already exists with a matching layoutId, it will animate out from the previous element's size/position.

{ => (
   < layout>
      {item.isSelected && <motion.div layoutId="underline" />}

If the previous component remains in the tree, the two elements will crossfade.


By default, layout changes are detected every render. To reduce measurements and thus improve performance, you can pass a layoutDependency prop. Measurements will only occur when this value changes.

<motion.nav layout layoutDependency={isOpen} />


For layout animations to work correctly within scrollable elements, their scroll offset needs measuring. For performance reasons, Framer Motion doesn't measure the scroll offset of every ancestor. Add the layoutScroll prop to elements that should be measured.

<motion.div layoutScroll style={{ overflow: "scroll" }}>
  <motion.div layout />


For layout animations to work correctly within position: fixed elements, we need to account for page scroll. Add layoutRoot to mark an element as position: fixed.

<motion.div layoutRoot style={{ position: "fixed" }}>
  <motion.div layout />


A callback to run when a layout animation starts.


A callback to run when a layout animation completes.



Set to false to prevent a component inheriting or propagating changes in a parent variant.


Custom data to pass through to dynamic variants.

const variants = {
  visible: (custom) => ({
    opacity: 1,
    transition: { delay: custom * 0.2 }

return (
  <motion.ul animate="visible">
    < custom={0} variants={variants} />
    < custom={1} variants={variants} />
    < custom={2} variants={variants} />


By default, transforms are applied in order of translate, scale, rotate and skew.

To change this, transformTemplate can be set as a function that accepts the latest transforms and the generated transform string and returns a new transform string.

// Use the latest transform values
  style={{ x: 0, rotate: 180 }}
    ({ x, rotate }) => `rotate(${rotate}deg) translateX(${x}px)`
// Or the generated transform string
  style={{ x: 0, rotate: 180 }}
    (latest, generated) => `translate(-50%, -50%) ${generated}`

The motion component drives most animations in Motion for React.

There's a motion component for every HTML and SVG element, for instance motion.div, etc. Think of it as a normal React component, supercharged for 120fps animation and gestures.


Import motion from Motion:

// React
import { motion } from "motion/react"

// React Server Components
import * as motion from "motion/react-client"

Now you can use it exactly as you would any normal HTML/SVG component:

<motion.div className="box" />

But you also gain access to powerful animation APIs like the animate, layout, whileInView props and much more.

  // Animate when this value changes:
  animate={{ scale: 2 }}
  // Fade in when the element enters the viewport:
  whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }}
  // Animate the component when its layout changes:
  // Style now supports indepedent transforms:
  style={{ x: 100 }}

Checkout the Animation guide for a full overview on animations in Motion for React.


motion components animate values outside the React render cycle for improved performance.

Using motion values instead of React state to update style will also avoid re-renders.

const x = useMotionValue(0)

useEffect(() => {
  // Won't trigger a re-render!
  const timeout = setTimeout(() => x.set(100), 1000)

  return () => clearTimeout(timeout)
}, [])

return <motion.div style={{ x }} />

Server-side rendering

motion components are fully compatible with server-side rendering, meaning the initial state of the component will be reflected in the server-generated output.

// Server will output `translateX(100px)`
<motion.div initial={false} animate={{ x: 100 }} />

This is with the exception of some SVG attributes like transform which require DOM measurements to calculate.

Custom components

Any React component can be supercharged into a motion component by passing it to motion.create() as a function.

const MotionComponent = motion.create(Component)

React 18 users must use forwardRef to wrap their components and pass ref to the element they want to animate:

const Component = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
  return <div ref={ref} />

React 19 users can pass a normal component, and ref will be passed in via props:

const Component = (props) => {
  return <div ref={props.ref} />

Important: Make sure not to call motion.create() within another React render function! This will make a new component every render, breaking your animations.

It's also possible to pass strings to motion.create, which will create custom DOM elements.

// Will render <custom-element /> into HTML
const MotionComponent = motion.create('custom-element')

By default, all motion props (like animate etc) are filtered out of the props forwarded to the provided component. By providing a forwardMotionProps config, the provided component will receive these props.

motion.create(Component, { forwardMotionProps: true })


motion components accept the following props.



The initial visual state of the motion component.

This can be set as an animation target:

<motion.section initial={{ opacity: 0, x: 0 }} />


< initial="visible" />
<motion.div initial={["visible", "active"]} />

Or set as false to disable the enter animation and initially render as the values found in animate.

<motion.div initial={false} animate={{ opacity: 0 }} />


A target to animate to on enter, and on update.

Can be set as an animation target:

  initial={{ boxShadow: "0px 0px #000" }}
  animate={{ boxShadow: "10px 10px #000" }}

Or variants:

< animate="visible" />
<motion.div initial="hidden" animate={["visible", "active"]} />


A target to animate to when a component is removed from the tree. Can be set either as an animation target, or variant.

Note: Owing to React limitations, the component being removed must be a direct child of AnimatePresence to enable this animation.

  {isVisible && (
    <ul key="list">
      < exit={{ opacity: 0 }} />


The default transition for this component to use when an animation prop (animate, whileHover etc) has no transition defined.

<motion.div transition={{ type: "spring" }} animate={{ scale: 1.2 }} />


The variants for this component.

const variants = {
  active: {
      backgroundColor: "#f00"
  inactive: {
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    transition: { duration: 2 }

return (
    animate={isActive ? "active" : "inactive"}


The normal React DOM style prop, with added support for motion values and independent transforms.

const x = useMotionValue(30)

return <motion.div style={{ x, rotate: 90, originX: 0.5 }} />


Callback triggered every frame any value on the motion component updates. It's provided a single argument with the latest values.

  animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
  onUpdate={latest => console.log(latest.opacity)}


Callback triggered when any animation (except layout animations, see onLayoutAnimationStart) starts.

It's provided a single argument, with the target or variant name of the started animation.

  animate={{ r: 10 }}
  onAnimationStart={latest => console.log(latest.r)}


Callback triggered when any animation (except layout animations, see onLayoutAnimationComplete) completes.

It's provided a single argument, with the target or variant name of the completed animation.

  animate={{ r: 10 }}
  onAnimationComplete={latest => console.log(latest.r)}



Target or variants to label to while the hover gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileHover={{ scale: 1.2 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileHover="hovered" />


Callback function that fires when a pointer starts hovering over the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onHoverStart={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops hovering over the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onHoverEnd={(event) => console.log(event)} />



Target or variants to label to while the tap gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileTap="tapped" />


Callback function that fires when a pointer starts pressing the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTapStart={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops pressing the component and the pointer was released inside the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTap={(event) => console.log(event)} />


Callback function that fires when a pointer stops pressing the component and the pointer was released outside the component. Provided the triggering PointerEvent.

<motion.div onTapCancel={(event) => console.log(event)} />



Target or variants to label to while the focus gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.button whileFocus={{ outline: "dashed #000" }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileFocus="focused" />



Callback function that fires when the pan gesture is recognised on this element.

Note: For pan gestures to work correctly with touch input, the element needs touch scrolling to be disabled on either x/y or both axis with the touch-action CSS rule.

function onPan(event, info) {
  console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)

<motion.div onPan={onPan} />

Pan and drag events are provided the origin PointerEvent as well as an object info that contains x and y point values for the following:

  • point: Relative to the device or page.

  • delta: Distance since the last event.

  • offset: Distance from the original event.

  • velocity: Current velocity of the pointer.


Callback function that fires when a pan gesture starts. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div onPanStart={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires when a pan gesture ends. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div onPanEnd={(event, info) => console.log(} />



Default: false

Enable dragging for this element. Set true to drag in both directions. Set "x" or "y" to only drag in a specific direction.

<motion.div drag />


Target or variants to label to while the drag gesture is active.

// As target
<motion.div drag whileDrag={{ scale: 0.9 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div drag whileDrag="dragging" />


Applies constraints on the draggable area.

Set as an object of optional top, left, right, and bottom values, measured in pixels:

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}

Or as a ref to another element to use its bounding box as the draggable constraints:

const MyComponent = () => {
  const constraintsRef = useRef(null)

  return (
     <motion.div ref={constraintsRef}>
         <motion.div drag dragConstraints={constraintsRef} />


Default: false

If true, the draggable element will animate back to its center/origin when released.

<motion.div drag dragSnapToOrigin />


Default: 0.5

The degree of movement allowed outside constraints. 0 = no movement, 1 = full movement.

Set to 0.5 by default. Can also be set as false to disable movement.

By passing an object of top/right/bottom/left, individual values can be set per constraint. Any missing values will be set to 0.

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}


Default: true

Apply momentum from the pan gesture to the component when dragging finishes. Set to true by default.

  dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}


Allows you to change dragging momentum transition. When releasing a draggable element, an animation with type "inertia" starts. The animation is based on your dragging velocity. This property allows you to customize it.

  dragTransition={{ bounceStiffness: 600, bounceDamping: 10 }}


Default: false

Locks drag direction into the soonest detected direction. For example, if the component is moved more on the x axis than y axis before the drag gesture kicks in, it will only drag on the x axis for the remainder of the gesture.

<motion.div drag dragDirectionLock />


Default: false

Allows drag gesture propagation to child components.

<motion.div drag="x" dragPropagation />


Usually, dragging is initiated by pressing down on a component and moving it. For some use-cases, for instance clicking at an arbitrary point on a video scrubber, we might want to initiate dragging from a different component than the draggable one.

By creating a dragControls using the useDragControls hook, we can pass this into the draggable component's dragControls prop. It exposes a start method that can start dragging from pointer events on other components.

const dragControls = useDragControls()

function startDrag(event) {
  dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })

return (
    <div onPointerDown={startDrag} />
    <motion.div drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />

Note: Given that by setting dragControls you are taking control of initiating the drag gesture, it is possible to disable the draggable element as the initiator by setting dragListener={false}.


Determines whether to trigger the drag gesture from event listeners. If passing dragControls, setting this to false will ensure dragging can only be initiated by the controls, rather than a pointerdown event on the draggable element.


Callback function that fires when the drag gesture is recognised on this element.

function onDrag(event, info) {
  console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)

<motion.div drag onDrag={onDrag} />

Pan and drag events are provided the origin PointerEvent as well as an object info that contains x and y point values for the following:

  • point: Relative to the device or page.

  • delta: Distance since the last event.

  • offset: Distance from the original event.

  • velocity: Current velocity of the pointer.


Callback function that fires when a drag gesture starts. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div drag onDragStart={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires when a drag gesture ends. Provided the triggering PointerEvent and info.

<motion.div drag onDragEnd={(event, info) => console.log(} />


Callback function that fires a drag direction is determined.

  onDirectionLock={axis => console.log(axis)}



Target or variants to label to while the element is in view.

// As target
<motion.div whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }} />
// As variants
<motion.div whileInView="visible" />


Options to define how the element is tracked within the viewport.

  whileInView={{ opacity: 1 }}
  viewport={{ once: true }}

Available options:

  • once: If true, once element enters the viewport it won't detect subsequent leave/enter events.

  • root: The ref of an ancestor scrollable element to detect intersections with (instead of window).

  • margin: A margin to add to the viewport to change the detection area. Defaults to "0px". Use multiple values to adjust top/right/bottom/left, e.g. "0px -20px 0px 100px".

  • amount: The amount of an element that should enter the viewport to be considered "entered". Either "some", "all" or a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to "some".


Callback function that fires when an element enters the viewport. Provided the IntersectionObserverEntry with details of the intersection event.

<motion.div onViewportEnter={(entry) => console.log(entry.isIntersecting)} />


Callback function that fires when an element enters the viewport. Provided the IntersectionObserverEntry with details of the intersection event.

<motion.div onViewportLeave={(entry) => console.log(entry.intersectionRect)} />



Default: false

If true, this component will animate changes to its layout.

<motion.div layout />

If set to "position" or "size", only its position or size will animate, respectively.

<motion.img layout="position" />


If set, this component will animate changes to its layout. Additionally, when a new element enters the DOM and an element already exists with a matching layoutId, it will animate out from the previous element's size/position.

{ => (
   < layout>
      {item.isSelected && <motion.div layoutId="underline" />}

If the previous component remains in the tree, the two elements will crossfade.


By default, layout changes are detected every render. To reduce measurements and thus improve performance, you can pass a layoutDependency prop. Measurements will only occur when this value changes.

<motion.nav layout layoutDependency={isOpen} />


For layout animations to work correctly within scrollable elements, their scroll offset needs measuring. For performance reasons, Framer Motion doesn't measure the scroll offset of every ancestor. Add the layoutScroll prop to elements that should be measured.

<motion.div layoutScroll style={{ overflow: "scroll" }}>
  <motion.div layout />


For layout animations to work correctly within position: fixed elements, we need to account for page scroll. Add layoutRoot to mark an element as position: fixed.

<motion.div layoutRoot style={{ position: "fixed" }}>
  <motion.div layout />


A callback to run when a layout animation starts.


A callback to run when a layout animation completes.



Set to false to prevent a component inheriting or propagating changes in a parent variant.


Custom data to pass through to dynamic variants.

const variants = {
  visible: (custom) => ({
    opacity: 1,
    transition: { delay: custom * 0.2 }

return (
  <motion.ul animate="visible">
    < custom={0} variants={variants} />
    < custom={1} variants={variants} />
    < custom={2} variants={variants} />


By default, transforms are applied in order of translate, scale, rotate and skew.

To change this, transformTemplate can be set as a function that accepts the latest transforms and the generated transform string and returns a new transform string.

// Use the latest transform values
  style={{ x: 0, rotate: 180 }}
    ({ x, rotate }) => `rotate(${rotate}deg) translateX(${x}px)`
// Or the generated transform string
  style={{ x: 0, rotate: 180 }}
    (latest, generated) => `translate(-50%, -50%) ${generated}`



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