


Motion values overview

Motion values track the state and velocity of animated values.

They are composable, signal-like values that are performant because Motion can render them with its optimised DOM renderer.

Usually, these are created automatically by motion components. But for advanced use cases, it's possible to create them manually.

import { motion, useMotionValue } from "motion/react"

export function MyComponent() {
  const x = useMotionValue(0)
  return <motion.div style={{ x }} />

By manually creating motion values you can:

  • Set and get their state.

  • Pass to multiple components to synchronise motion across them.

  • Chain MotionValues via the useTransform hook.

  • Update visual properties without triggering React's render cycle.

  • Subscribe to updates.

const x = useMotionValue(0)
const opacity = useTransform(
  [-200, 0, 200],
  [0, 1, 0]

// Will change opacity as element is dragged left/right
return <motion.div drag="x" style={{ x, opacity }} />


Motion values can be created with the useMotionValue hook. The string or number passed to useMotionValue will act as its initial state.

import { useMotionValue } from "motion/react"

const x = useMotionValue(0)

Motion values can be passed to a motion component via style:

< style={{ x }} />

Or for SVG attributes, via the attribute prop itself:

< cx={cx} />

It's possible to pass the same motion value to multiple components.

Motion values can be updated with the set method.


Changes to the motion value will update the DOM without triggering a React re-render. Motion values can be updated multiple times but renders will be batched to the next animation frame.

A motion value can hold any string or number. We can read it with the get method.

x.get() // 100

Motion values containing a number can return a velocity via the getVelocity method. This returns the velocity as calculated per second to account for variations in frame rate across devices.

const xVelocity = x.getVelocity()

For strings and colors, getVelocity will always return 0.


Listeners can be added to motion values via the on method or the useMotionValueEvent hook.

useMotionValueEvent(x, "change", (latest) => console.log(latest))

Available events are "change", "animationStart", "animationComplete" "animationCancel".


Beyond useMotionValue, Motion provides a number of hooks for creating and composing motion values, like useSpring and useTransform.

For example, with useTransform we can take the latest state of one or more motion values and create a new motion value with the result.

const y = useTransform(() => x.get() * 2)

useSpring can make a motion value that's attached to another via a spring.

const dragX = useMotionValue(0)
const dragY = useMotionValue(0)
const x = useSpring(dragX)
const y = useSpring(dragY)

These motion values can then go on to be passed to motion components, or composed with more hooks like useVelocity.



Returns the latest state of the motion value.


Returns the latest velocity of the motion value. Returns 0 if the value is non-numerical.


Sets the motion value to a new state.



Jumps the motion value to a new state in a way that breaks continuity from previous values:

  • Resets velocity to 0.

  • Ends active animations.

  • Ignores attached effects (for instance useSpring's spring).

const x = useSpring(0)
x.getVelocity() // 0


Returns true if the value is currently animating.


Stop the active animation.


Subscribe to motion value events. Available events are:

  • change

  • animationStart

  • animationCancel

  • animationComplete

It returns a function that, when called, will unsubscribe the listener.

const unsubscribe = x.on("change", latest => console.log(latest))

When calling on inside a React component, it should be wrapped with a useEffect hook, or instead use the useMotionValueEvent hook.


Destroy and clean up subscribers to this motion value.

This is normally handled automatically, so this method is only necessary if you've manually created a motion value outside the React render cycle using the vanilla motionValue hook.

Motion values track the state and velocity of animated values.

They are composable, signal-like values that are performant because Motion can render them with its optimised DOM renderer.

Usually, these are created automatically by motion components. But for advanced use cases, it's possible to create them manually.

import { motion, useMotionValue } from "motion/react"

export function MyComponent() {
  const x = useMotionValue(0)
  return <motion.div style={{ x }} />

By manually creating motion values you can:

  • Set and get their state.

  • Pass to multiple components to synchronise motion across them.

  • Chain MotionValues via the useTransform hook.

  • Update visual properties without triggering React's render cycle.

  • Subscribe to updates.

const x = useMotionValue(0)
const opacity = useTransform(
  [-200, 0, 200],
  [0, 1, 0]

// Will change opacity as element is dragged left/right
return <motion.div drag="x" style={{ x, opacity }} />


Motion values can be created with the useMotionValue hook. The string or number passed to useMotionValue will act as its initial state.

import { useMotionValue } from "motion/react"

const x = useMotionValue(0)

Motion values can be passed to a motion component via style:

< style={{ x }} />

Or for SVG attributes, via the attribute prop itself:

< cx={cx} />

It's possible to pass the same motion value to multiple components.

Motion values can be updated with the set method.


Changes to the motion value will update the DOM without triggering a React re-render. Motion values can be updated multiple times but renders will be batched to the next animation frame.

A motion value can hold any string or number. We can read it with the get method.

x.get() // 100

Motion values containing a number can return a velocity via the getVelocity method. This returns the velocity as calculated per second to account for variations in frame rate across devices.

const xVelocity = x.getVelocity()

For strings and colors, getVelocity will always return 0.


Listeners can be added to motion values via the on method or the useMotionValueEvent hook.

useMotionValueEvent(x, "change", (latest) => console.log(latest))

Available events are "change", "animationStart", "animationComplete" "animationCancel".


Beyond useMotionValue, Motion provides a number of hooks for creating and composing motion values, like useSpring and useTransform.

For example, with useTransform we can take the latest state of one or more motion values and create a new motion value with the result.

const y = useTransform(() => x.get() * 2)

useSpring can make a motion value that's attached to another via a spring.

const dragX = useMotionValue(0)
const dragY = useMotionValue(0)
const x = useSpring(dragX)
const y = useSpring(dragY)

These motion values can then go on to be passed to motion components, or composed with more hooks like useVelocity.



Returns the latest state of the motion value.


Returns the latest velocity of the motion value. Returns 0 if the value is non-numerical.


Sets the motion value to a new state.



Jumps the motion value to a new state in a way that breaks continuity from previous values:

  • Resets velocity to 0.

  • Ends active animations.

  • Ignores attached effects (for instance useSpring's spring).

const x = useSpring(0)
x.getVelocity() // 0


Returns true if the value is currently animating.


Stop the active animation.


Subscribe to motion value events. Available events are:

  • change

  • animationStart

  • animationCancel

  • animationComplete

It returns a function that, when called, will unsubscribe the listener.

const unsubscribe = x.on("change", latest => console.log(latest))

When calling on inside a React component, it should be wrapped with a useEffect hook, or instead use the useMotionValueEvent hook.


Destroy and clean up subscribers to this motion value.

This is normally handled automatically, so this method is only necessary if you've manually created a motion value outside the React render cycle using the vanilla motionValue hook.

Motion values track the state and velocity of animated values.

They are composable, signal-like values that are performant because Motion can render them with its optimised DOM renderer.

Usually, these are created automatically by motion components. But for advanced use cases, it's possible to create them manually.

import { motion, useMotionValue } from "motion/react"

export function MyComponent() {
  const x = useMotionValue(0)
  return <motion.div style={{ x }} />

By manually creating motion values you can:

  • Set and get their state.

  • Pass to multiple components to synchronise motion across them.

  • Chain MotionValues via the useTransform hook.

  • Update visual properties without triggering React's render cycle.

  • Subscribe to updates.

const x = useMotionValue(0)
const opacity = useTransform(
  [-200, 0, 200],
  [0, 1, 0]

// Will change opacity as element is dragged left/right
return <motion.div drag="x" style={{ x, opacity }} />


Motion values can be created with the useMotionValue hook. The string or number passed to useMotionValue will act as its initial state.

import { useMotionValue } from "motion/react"

const x = useMotionValue(0)

Motion values can be passed to a motion component via style:

< style={{ x }} />

Or for SVG attributes, via the attribute prop itself:

< cx={cx} />

It's possible to pass the same motion value to multiple components.

Motion values can be updated with the set method.


Changes to the motion value will update the DOM without triggering a React re-render. Motion values can be updated multiple times but renders will be batched to the next animation frame.

A motion value can hold any string or number. We can read it with the get method.

x.get() // 100

Motion values containing a number can return a velocity via the getVelocity method. This returns the velocity as calculated per second to account for variations in frame rate across devices.

const xVelocity = x.getVelocity()

For strings and colors, getVelocity will always return 0.


Listeners can be added to motion values via the on method or the useMotionValueEvent hook.

useMotionValueEvent(x, "change", (latest) => console.log(latest))

Available events are "change", "animationStart", "animationComplete" "animationCancel".


Beyond useMotionValue, Motion provides a number of hooks for creating and composing motion values, like useSpring and useTransform.

For example, with useTransform we can take the latest state of one or more motion values and create a new motion value with the result.

const y = useTransform(() => x.get() * 2)

useSpring can make a motion value that's attached to another via a spring.

const dragX = useMotionValue(0)
const dragY = useMotionValue(0)
const x = useSpring(dragX)
const y = useSpring(dragY)

These motion values can then go on to be passed to motion components, or composed with more hooks like useVelocity.



Returns the latest state of the motion value.


Returns the latest velocity of the motion value. Returns 0 if the value is non-numerical.


Sets the motion value to a new state.



Jumps the motion value to a new state in a way that breaks continuity from previous values:

  • Resets velocity to 0.

  • Ends active animations.

  • Ignores attached effects (for instance useSpring's spring).

const x = useSpring(0)
x.getVelocity() // 0


Returns true if the value is currently animating.


Stop the active animation.


Subscribe to motion value events. Available events are:

  • change

  • animationStart

  • animationCancel

  • animationComplete

It returns a function that, when called, will unsubscribe the listener.

const unsubscribe = x.on("change", latest => console.log(latest))

When calling on inside a React component, it should be wrapped with a useEffect hook, or instead use the useMotionValueEvent hook.


Destroy and clean up subscribers to this motion value.

This is normally handled automatically, so this method is only necessary if you've manually created a motion value outside the React render cycle using the vanilla motionValue hook.

Motion values overview


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