




A hook that returns true if the current device has Reduced Motion setting enabled.

const shouldReduceMotion = useReducedMotion()

This can be used to implement changes to your UI based on Reduced Motion. For instance, replacing potentially motion-sickness inducing x/y animations with opacity, disabling the autoplay of background videos, or turning off parallax motion.

It will actively respond to changes and re-render your components with the latest setting.

export function Sidebar({ isOpen }) {
  const shouldReduceMotion = useReducedMotion()
  const closedX = shouldReduceMotion ? 0 : "-100%"

  return (
    <motion.div animate={{
      opacity: isOpen ? 1 : 0,
      x: isOpen ? 0 : closedX
    }} />


Import useReducedMotion from Motion:

import { useReducedMotion } from "motion/react"

In any component, call useReducedMotion to check whether the device's Reduced Motion setting is enabled.

const prefersReducedMotion = useReducedMotion()

You can then use this true/false value to change your application logic.

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Introducing Cursor

Cursor is a creative cursor component for React, that makes it super easy to make custom cursor and follow cursor effects.

Hover over these examples to check out some of what it can do:

Custom cursor

Follow with spring


