




useScroll is used to create scroll-linked animations, like progress indicators and parallax effects.

const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll()

return <motion.div style={{ scaleX: scrollYProgress }} />


Import useScroll from Motion:

import { useScroll } from "motion/react"

useScroll returns four motion values:

  • scrollX/Y: The absolute scroll position, in pixels.

  • scrollXProgress/YProgress: The scroll position between the defined offsets, as a value between 0 and 1.

Page scroll

By default, useScroll tracks the page scroll.

const { scrollY } = useScroll()

useMotionValueEvent(scrollY, "change", (latest) => {
  console.log("Page scroll: ", latest)

For example, we could show a page scroll indicator by passing scrollYProgress straight to the scaleX style of a progress bar.

const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll()

return <motion.div style={{ scaleX: scrollYProgress }} />

As useScroll returns motion values, we can compose this scroll info with other motion value hooks like useTransform and useSpring:

const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll()
const scaleX = useSpring(scrollYProgress)

return <motion.div style={{ scaleX }} />

Since scrollY is a MotionValue, there's a neat trick you can use to tell when the user's scroll direction changes:

const { scrollY } = useScroll()
const [scrollDirection, setScrollDirection] = useState("down")

useMotionValueEvent(scrollY, "change", (current) => {
  const diff = current - scrollY.getPrevious()
  setScrollDirection(diff > 0 ? "down" : "up")

Perfect for triggering a sticky header animation!

~ Sam Selikoff, Motion for React Recipes

Element scroll

To track the scroll position of a scrollable element we can pass the element's ref to useScroll's container option:

const carouselRef = useRef(null)
const { scrollX } = useScroll({
  container: carouselRef

return (
  <div ref={carouselRef} style={{ overflow: "scroll" }}>

Element position

We can track the progress of an element as it moves within a container by passing its ref to the target option.

const ref = useRef(null)
const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({
  target: ref,
  offset: ["start end", "end end"]

return <div ref={ref}>

In this example, each item has its own progress indicator.

Scroll offsets

With the offset option we can define which parts of the element we want to track with the viewport, for instance track elements as they enter in from the bottom, leave at the top, or travel throughout the whole viewport.


useScroll accepts the following options.


Default: Browser window

The scrollable container to track the scroll position of. By default, this is the window viewport. But it can be any scrollable element.


By default, this is the scrollable area of the container. It can additionally be set as another element, to track its progress within the viewport.


Default: "y"

The scroll axis to apply offset.


Default: ["start start", "end end"]

offset describes intersections, points where the target and container meet.

For example, the intersection "start end" means when the start of the target on the tracked axis meets the end of the container.

So if the target is an element, the container is the window, and we're tracking the vertical axis then "start end" is where the top of the element meets the bottom of the viewport.

Accepted intersections

Both target and container points can be defined as:

  • Number: A value where 0 represents the start of the axis and 1 represents the end. So to define the top of the target with the middle of the container you could define "0 0.5". Values outside this range are permitted.

  • Names: "start", "center" and "end" can be used as clear shortcuts for 0, 0.5 and 1 respectively.

  • Pixels: Pixel values like "100px", "-50px" will be defined as that number of pixels from the start of the target/container.

  • Percent: Same as raw numbers but expressed as "0%" to "100%".

  • Viewport: "vh" and "vw" units are accepted.


React Three Fiber

Scroll velocity

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