



AnimatePresence makes exit animations easy. By wrapping one or more motion components with AnimatePresence, we gain access to the exit animation prop.

  {show && <motion.div key="modal" exit={{ opacity: 0 }} />}



import { AnimatePresence } from "motion/react"

Exit animations

AnimatePresence works by detecting when its direct children are removed from the React tree.

This can be due to a component mounting/remounting:

  {show && <Modal key="modal" />}

Its key changing:

  <Slide key={} />

Or when children in a list are added/removed:

  { => (
    < key={} exit={{ opacity: 1 }} layout />

Any motion components within the exiting component will fire animations defined on their exit props before the component is removed from the DOM.

function Slide({ img, description }) {
  return (
    <motion.div exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <img src={img.src} />
      <motion.p exit={{ y: 10 }}>{description}</motion.p>

Note: Direct children must each have a unique key prop so AnimatePresence can track their presence in the tree.

Like initial and animate, exit can be defined either as an object of values, or as a variant label.

const modalVariants = {
  visible: { opacity: 1, transition: { when: "beforeChildren" } },
  hidden: { opacity: 0, transition: { when: "afterChildren" } }

function Modal({ children }) {
  return (
    <motion.div initial="hidden" animate="visible" exit="hidden">

Changing key

Changing a key prop makes React create an entirely new component. So by changing the key of a single child of AnimatePresence, we can easily make components like slideshows.

export const Slideshow = ({ image }) => (
      initial={{ x: 300, opacity: 0 }}
      animate={{ x: 0, opacity: 1 }}
      exit={{ x: -300, opacity: 0 }}

Access presence state

Any child of AnimatePresence can access presence state with the useIsPresence hook.

import { useIsPresent } from "motion/react"

function Component() {
  const isPresent = useIsPresent()

  return isPresent ? "Here!" : "Exiting..."

This allows you to change content or styles when a component is no longer rendered.

Access presence data

When a component has been removed from the React tree, its props can no longer be updated. We can use AnimatePresence's custom prop to pass new data down through the tree, even into exiting components.

<AnimatePresence custom={swipeDirection}>
  <Slide key={activeSlideId}>

Then later we can extract that using usePresenceData.

import { AnimatePresence, usePresenceData } from "motion/react"

function Slide() {
  const isPresent = useIsPresent()
  const direction = usePresenceData()

  return (
    <motion.div exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      {isPresent ? "Here!" : "Exiting " + direction}

Manual usage

It's also possible to manually tell AnimatePresence when a component is safe to remove with the usePresence hook.

This returns both isPresent state and a callback, safeToRemove, that should be called when you're ready to remove the component from the DOM (for instance after a manual animation or other timeout).

import { usePresence } from "motion/react"

function Component() {
  const [isPresent, safeToRemove] = usePresence()

  useEffect(() => {
    // Remove from DOM 1000ms after being removed from React
    !isPresent && setTimeout(safeToRemove, 1000)
  }, [isPresent])

  return <div />

Propagate exit animations

By default, AnimatePresence controls the exit animations on all of its children, until another AnimatePresence component is rendered.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
          * When `show` becomes `false`, exit animations
          * on these children will not fire.
  ) : null}

By setting an AnimatePresence component's propagate prop to true, when it's removed from another AnimatePresence it will fire all of its children's exit animations.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <AnimatePresence propagate>
          * When `show` becomes `false`, exit animations
          * on these children **will** fire.
  ) : null}



By passing initial={false}, AnimatePresence will disable any initial animations on children that are present when the component is first rendered.

<AnimatePresence initial={false}>
  <Slide key={} />


When a component is removed, there's no longer a chance to update its props (because it's no longer in the React tree). Therefore we can't update its exit animation with the same render that removed the component.

By passing a value through AnimatePresence's custom prop, we can use dynamic variants to change the exit animation.

const variants = {
  hidden: (direction) => ({
    opacity: 0,
    x: direction === 1 ? -300 : 300
  visible: { opacity: 1, x: 0 }

export const Slideshow = ({ image, direction }) => (
  <AnimatePresence custom={direction}>

This data can be accessed by children via usePresenceData.


Default: "sync"

Decides how AnimatePresence handles entering and exiting children.

  • "sync": Children animate in/out as soon as they're added/removed.

  • "wait": The entering child will wait until the exiting child has animated out. Note: Currently only renders a single child at a time.

  • "popLayout": Exiting children will be "popped" out of the page layout. This allows surrounding elements to move to their new layout immediately.

Custom component note: When using popLayout mode, any immediate child of AnimatePresence that's a custom component must be wrapped in React's forwardRef function, forwarding the provided ref to the DOM node you wish to pop out of the layout.


Fires when all exiting nodes have completed animating out.


Default: false

If set to true, exit animations on children will also trigger when this AnimatePresence exits from a parent AnimatePresence.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <AnimatePresence propagate>
        {/* This exit prop will now fire when show is false */}
        <motion.div exit={{ x: -100 }} />
  ) : null}


Exit animations aren't working

Ensure all immediate children get a unique key prop that remains the same for that component every render.

For instance, providing index as a key is bad because if the items reorder then the index will not be matched to the item:

  {, index) => (
    <Component key={index} />

It's preferred to pass something that's unique to that item, for instance an ID:

  { => (
    <Component key={} />

Also make sure AnimatePresence is outside of the code that unmounts the element. If AnimatePresence itself unmounts, then it can't control exit animations!

For example, this will not work:

isVisible && (
    <Component />

Instead, the conditional should be at the root of AnimatePresence:

  {isVisible && <Component />}

Layout animations not working with mode="sync"

When mixing layout and exit animations, it might be necessary to wrap the group in LayoutGroup to ensure that components outside of AnimatePresence know when to perform a layout animation.

  <motion.ul layout>
      { => (
        < layout key={} />

Layout animations not working with mode="popLayout"

When any HTML element has an active transform it temporarily becomes the offset parent of its children. This can cause children with position: "absolute" not to appear where you expect.

mode="popLayout" works by using position: "absolute". So to ensure consistent and expected positioning during a layout animation, ensure that the animating parent has a position other than "static".

<motion.ul layout style={{ position: "relative" }}>
  <AnimatePresence mode="popLayout">
    { => (
      < layout key={} />

Motion+ examples

Motion+ is a one-time payment, lifetime membership that gains you access to the source code of an ever-growing library of premium examples, as well as premium components like Cursor and AnimateNumber.

It features a number of examples involving AnimatePresence, including:

AnimatePresence makes exit animations easy. By wrapping one or more motion components with AnimatePresence, we gain access to the exit animation prop.

  {show && <motion.div key="modal" exit={{ opacity: 0 }} />}



import { AnimatePresence } from "motion/react"

Exit animations

AnimatePresence works by detecting when its direct children are removed from the React tree.

This can be due to a component mounting/remounting:

  {show && <Modal key="modal" />}

Its key changing:

  <Slide key={} />

Or when children in a list are added/removed:

  { => (
    < key={} exit={{ opacity: 1 }} layout />

Any motion components within the exiting component will fire animations defined on their exit props before the component is removed from the DOM.

function Slide({ img, description }) {
  return (
    <motion.div exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <img src={img.src} />
      <motion.p exit={{ y: 10 }}>{description}</motion.p>

Note: Direct children must each have a unique key prop so AnimatePresence can track their presence in the tree.

Like initial and animate, exit can be defined either as an object of values, or as a variant label.

const modalVariants = {
  visible: { opacity: 1, transition: { when: "beforeChildren" } },
  hidden: { opacity: 0, transition: { when: "afterChildren" } }

function Modal({ children }) {
  return (
    <motion.div initial="hidden" animate="visible" exit="hidden">

Changing key

Changing a key prop makes React create an entirely new component. So by changing the key of a single child of AnimatePresence, we can easily make components like slideshows.

export const Slideshow = ({ image }) => (
      initial={{ x: 300, opacity: 0 }}
      animate={{ x: 0, opacity: 1 }}
      exit={{ x: -300, opacity: 0 }}

Access presence state

Any child of AnimatePresence can access presence state with the useIsPresence hook.

import { useIsPresent } from "motion/react"

function Component() {
  const isPresent = useIsPresent()

  return isPresent ? "Here!" : "Exiting..."

This allows you to change content or styles when a component is no longer rendered.

Access presence data

When a component has been removed from the React tree, its props can no longer be updated. We can use AnimatePresence's custom prop to pass new data down through the tree, even into exiting components.

<AnimatePresence custom={swipeDirection}>
  <Slide key={activeSlideId}>

Then later we can extract that using usePresenceData.

import { AnimatePresence, usePresenceData } from "motion/react"

function Slide() {
  const isPresent = useIsPresent()
  const direction = usePresenceData()

  return (
    <motion.div exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      {isPresent ? "Here!" : "Exiting " + direction}

Manual usage

It's also possible to manually tell AnimatePresence when a component is safe to remove with the usePresence hook.

This returns both isPresent state and a callback, safeToRemove, that should be called when you're ready to remove the component from the DOM (for instance after a manual animation or other timeout).

import { usePresence } from "motion/react"

function Component() {
  const [isPresent, safeToRemove] = usePresence()

  useEffect(() => {
    // Remove from DOM 1000ms after being removed from React
    !isPresent && setTimeout(safeToRemove, 1000)
  }, [isPresent])

  return <div />

Propagate exit animations

By default, AnimatePresence controls the exit animations on all of its children, until another AnimatePresence component is rendered.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
          * When `show` becomes `false`, exit animations
          * on these children will not fire.
  ) : null}

By setting an AnimatePresence component's propagate prop to true, when it's removed from another AnimatePresence it will fire all of its children's exit animations.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <AnimatePresence propagate>
          * When `show` becomes `false`, exit animations
          * on these children **will** fire.
  ) : null}



By passing initial={false}, AnimatePresence will disable any initial animations on children that are present when the component is first rendered.

<AnimatePresence initial={false}>
  <Slide key={} />


When a component is removed, there's no longer a chance to update its props (because it's no longer in the React tree). Therefore we can't update its exit animation with the same render that removed the component.

By passing a value through AnimatePresence's custom prop, we can use dynamic variants to change the exit animation.

const variants = {
  hidden: (direction) => ({
    opacity: 0,
    x: direction === 1 ? -300 : 300
  visible: { opacity: 1, x: 0 }

export const Slideshow = ({ image, direction }) => (
  <AnimatePresence custom={direction}>

This data can be accessed by children via usePresenceData.


Default: "sync"

Decides how AnimatePresence handles entering and exiting children.

  • "sync": Children animate in/out as soon as they're added/removed.

  • "wait": The entering child will wait until the exiting child has animated out. Note: Currently only renders a single child at a time.

  • "popLayout": Exiting children will be "popped" out of the page layout. This allows surrounding elements to move to their new layout immediately.

Custom component note: When using popLayout mode, any immediate child of AnimatePresence that's a custom component must be wrapped in React's forwardRef function, forwarding the provided ref to the DOM node you wish to pop out of the layout.


Fires when all exiting nodes have completed animating out.


Default: false

If set to true, exit animations on children will also trigger when this AnimatePresence exits from a parent AnimatePresence.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <AnimatePresence propagate>
        {/* This exit prop will now fire when show is false */}
        <motion.div exit={{ x: -100 }} />
  ) : null}


Exit animations aren't working

Ensure all immediate children get a unique key prop that remains the same for that component every render.

For instance, providing index as a key is bad because if the items reorder then the index will not be matched to the item:

  {, index) => (
    <Component key={index} />

It's preferred to pass something that's unique to that item, for instance an ID:

  { => (
    <Component key={} />

Also make sure AnimatePresence is outside of the code that unmounts the element. If AnimatePresence itself unmounts, then it can't control exit animations!

For example, this will not work:

isVisible && (
    <Component />

Instead, the conditional should be at the root of AnimatePresence:

  {isVisible && <Component />}

Layout animations not working with mode="sync"

When mixing layout and exit animations, it might be necessary to wrap the group in LayoutGroup to ensure that components outside of AnimatePresence know when to perform a layout animation.

  <motion.ul layout>
      { => (
        < layout key={} />

Layout animations not working with mode="popLayout"

When any HTML element has an active transform it temporarily becomes the offset parent of its children. This can cause children with position: "absolute" not to appear where you expect.

mode="popLayout" works by using position: "absolute". So to ensure consistent and expected positioning during a layout animation, ensure that the animating parent has a position other than "static".

<motion.ul layout style={{ position: "relative" }}>
  <AnimatePresence mode="popLayout">
    { => (
      < layout key={} />

Motion+ examples

Motion+ is a one-time payment, lifetime membership that gains you access to the source code of an ever-growing library of premium examples, as well as premium components like Cursor and AnimateNumber.

It features a number of examples involving AnimatePresence, including:

AnimatePresence makes exit animations easy. By wrapping one or more motion components with AnimatePresence, we gain access to the exit animation prop.

  {show && <motion.div key="modal" exit={{ opacity: 0 }} />}



import { AnimatePresence } from "motion/react"

Exit animations

AnimatePresence works by detecting when its direct children are removed from the React tree.

This can be due to a component mounting/remounting:

  {show && <Modal key="modal" />}

Its key changing:

  <Slide key={} />

Or when children in a list are added/removed:

  { => (
    < key={} exit={{ opacity: 1 }} layout />

Any motion components within the exiting component will fire animations defined on their exit props before the component is removed from the DOM.

function Slide({ img, description }) {
  return (
    <motion.div exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <img src={img.src} />
      <motion.p exit={{ y: 10 }}>{description}</motion.p>

Note: Direct children must each have a unique key prop so AnimatePresence can track their presence in the tree.

Like initial and animate, exit can be defined either as an object of values, or as a variant label.

const modalVariants = {
  visible: { opacity: 1, transition: { when: "beforeChildren" } },
  hidden: { opacity: 0, transition: { when: "afterChildren" } }

function Modal({ children }) {
  return (
    <motion.div initial="hidden" animate="visible" exit="hidden">

Changing key

Changing a key prop makes React create an entirely new component. So by changing the key of a single child of AnimatePresence, we can easily make components like slideshows.

export const Slideshow = ({ image }) => (
      initial={{ x: 300, opacity: 0 }}
      animate={{ x: 0, opacity: 1 }}
      exit={{ x: -300, opacity: 0 }}

Access presence state

Any child of AnimatePresence can access presence state with the useIsPresence hook.

import { useIsPresent } from "motion/react"

function Component() {
  const isPresent = useIsPresent()

  return isPresent ? "Here!" : "Exiting..."

This allows you to change content or styles when a component is no longer rendered.

Access presence data

When a component has been removed from the React tree, its props can no longer be updated. We can use AnimatePresence's custom prop to pass new data down through the tree, even into exiting components.

<AnimatePresence custom={swipeDirection}>
  <Slide key={activeSlideId}>

Then later we can extract that using usePresenceData.

import { AnimatePresence, usePresenceData } from "motion/react"

function Slide() {
  const isPresent = useIsPresent()
  const direction = usePresenceData()

  return (
    <motion.div exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      {isPresent ? "Here!" : "Exiting " + direction}

Manual usage

It's also possible to manually tell AnimatePresence when a component is safe to remove with the usePresence hook.

This returns both isPresent state and a callback, safeToRemove, that should be called when you're ready to remove the component from the DOM (for instance after a manual animation or other timeout).

import { usePresence } from "motion/react"

function Component() {
  const [isPresent, safeToRemove] = usePresence()

  useEffect(() => {
    // Remove from DOM 1000ms after being removed from React
    !isPresent && setTimeout(safeToRemove, 1000)
  }, [isPresent])

  return <div />

Propagate exit animations

By default, AnimatePresence controls the exit animations on all of its children, until another AnimatePresence component is rendered.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
          * When `show` becomes `false`, exit animations
          * on these children will not fire.
  ) : null}

By setting an AnimatePresence component's propagate prop to true, when it's removed from another AnimatePresence it will fire all of its children's exit animations.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <AnimatePresence propagate>
          * When `show` becomes `false`, exit animations
          * on these children **will** fire.
  ) : null}



By passing initial={false}, AnimatePresence will disable any initial animations on children that are present when the component is first rendered.

<AnimatePresence initial={false}>
  <Slide key={} />


When a component is removed, there's no longer a chance to update its props (because it's no longer in the React tree). Therefore we can't update its exit animation with the same render that removed the component.

By passing a value through AnimatePresence's custom prop, we can use dynamic variants to change the exit animation.

const variants = {
  hidden: (direction) => ({
    opacity: 0,
    x: direction === 1 ? -300 : 300
  visible: { opacity: 1, x: 0 }

export const Slideshow = ({ image, direction }) => (
  <AnimatePresence custom={direction}>

This data can be accessed by children via usePresenceData.


Default: "sync"

Decides how AnimatePresence handles entering and exiting children.

  • "sync": Children animate in/out as soon as they're added/removed.

  • "wait": The entering child will wait until the exiting child has animated out. Note: Currently only renders a single child at a time.

  • "popLayout": Exiting children will be "popped" out of the page layout. This allows surrounding elements to move to their new layout immediately.

Custom component note: When using popLayout mode, any immediate child of AnimatePresence that's a custom component must be wrapped in React's forwardRef function, forwarding the provided ref to the DOM node you wish to pop out of the layout.


Fires when all exiting nodes have completed animating out.


Default: false

If set to true, exit animations on children will also trigger when this AnimatePresence exits from a parent AnimatePresence.

  {show ? (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <AnimatePresence propagate>
        {/* This exit prop will now fire when show is false */}
        <motion.div exit={{ x: -100 }} />
  ) : null}


Exit animations aren't working

Ensure all immediate children get a unique key prop that remains the same for that component every render.

For instance, providing index as a key is bad because if the items reorder then the index will not be matched to the item:

  {, index) => (
    <Component key={index} />

It's preferred to pass something that's unique to that item, for instance an ID:

  { => (
    <Component key={} />

Also make sure AnimatePresence is outside of the code that unmounts the element. If AnimatePresence itself unmounts, then it can't control exit animations!

For example, this will not work:

isVisible && (
    <Component />

Instead, the conditional should be at the root of AnimatePresence:

  {isVisible && <Component />}

Layout animations not working with mode="sync"

When mixing layout and exit animations, it might be necessary to wrap the group in LayoutGroup to ensure that components outside of AnimatePresence know when to perform a layout animation.

  <motion.ul layout>
      { => (
        < layout key={} />

Layout animations not working with mode="popLayout"

When any HTML element has an active transform it temporarily becomes the offset parent of its children. This can cause children with position: "absolute" not to appear where you expect.

mode="popLayout" works by using position: "absolute". So to ensure consistent and expected positioning during a layout animation, ensure that the animating parent has a position other than "static".

<motion.ul layout style={{ position: "relative" }}>
  <AnimatePresence mode="popLayout">
    { => (
      < layout key={} />

Motion+ examples

Motion+ is a one-time payment, lifetime membership that gains you access to the source code of an ever-growing library of premium examples, as well as premium components like Cursor and AnimateNumber.

It features a number of examples involving AnimatePresence, including:

Motion is made possible thanks to our amazing sponsors.

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